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We never want to be perfect, because we love to learn and grow. Follow us on our mission of continuous improvement as we blog about our developments, progress and sometimes failures so that you can share what we learn.

silhouette image of a team Culture
How to measure your team's wellbeing with the new HappyTrack tool

We’ve developed a Slackbot to help you track your team members happiness, and improve your team’s wellbeing.

Creative Teams Series Image Culture
Creative Teams - A Series

Over the years, I have learnt a lot about how best to run teams. Although the job is never ‘done’, the last 12 months’ events have prompted an opportunity to write a blog series exploring the most poignant lessons that have stuck with us at RT Programming.

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Georgia smiling at her desk Culture
10 minutes with Georgia

Meet Georgia, our globe-trotting Head of Operations

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A lady using the waterstones app on her phone Organise
How to ensure your app feels intuitive

Why is it so important for developers to keep the end-user in mind?

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Andy smiling during a meeting Organise
How to set the context for productive meetings

Meetings can easily be seen as a necessary evil, something as an individual you have to endure whilst as an organisation you have to initiate.

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Latest Posts

Elle at her desk working on a design file Design
What are the best tools to use to shape your design process?

This blog briefly explores each of the main design tools we use at RT Programming to demonstrate how, and why, they are used.

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Nick smiling Culture
10 minutes with Nick

Don’t forget you’re in good company

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Illustration behind the words 'Staying Hungry' Culture
Staying Hungry

Knowing where inspiration comes from means that our 'creating' doesn't become a factory line of churning out the same old thing.

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Triangles: getting the job done Culture
Getting the Job Done

A sound understanding of what it is to do creative work and get the job done is vital for team health and long-term client relationships.

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Triangles: getting the job done Culture
Getting the Job Done

A sound understanding of what it is to do creative work and get the job done is vital for team health and long-term client relationships.

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Illustration with the words 'Considerately Passionate' Culture
Being Considerately Passionate

We could be utterly passionate or utterly considerate, but the middle ground is where we want to be.

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Illustration with the words 'Considerately Passionate' Culture
Being Considerately Passionate

We could be utterly passionate or utterly considerate, but the middle ground is where we want to be.

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Illustration of the word Candidness Culture

Openness, honesty and frankness lead us to the most creative and best work.

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Illustration: Developing Empathy Culture
Developing Empathy

What if I was bold enough to say that developing empathy is the most crucial skill that any creative team can continue to grow. Would you agree?

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RT Programming team video screenshot Culture
RT Programming in 2020

2020 is a year no-one will forget for a multitude of reasons. Here's the year at RT Programming in review

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